The Lamancha
First bred in Oregon by Mrs. Eula Fay Frey, Lamancha goats are perhaps the most distinctive goat breed; easily recognizable by their very short ear pinnae. They are also known for their high milk
production, and the
comparatively high butterfat content in their milk. The LaMancha goat is the only breed of goat developed in the United States, and in our wonderful state!
Nibbles is the
proud buck of our goat herd.

The Sannen
The Saanen breed was originally developed in Switzerland, south of Canton Berne in the Saanen Valley. Saanens are the largest of the goat dairy breeds, and one of the largest milk producers. Their milk generally has a butterfat content of 3-4%. The latest figures furnished by USDA-AIPL show Saanens surpass all of the other breeds with production averages for 1999 of 2,351 lbs of milk, 3.4% butterfat and 3.1% protein.
Poppy is registered, and will produce nearly 2 gallons per day consistently.

The Alpine
The Alpine is a breed of domestic goat well known as heavy milkers. Their milk can be made into butter, cheese, soap, ice cream or any other dairy product that cow’s milk can produce. They are most often used for commercial milking. Butterfat content is about 3.5% so sweeter than the Saanen, but not overbearingly rich. They have no set markings, a dish-face, erect ears, and horns.
Princess produces just under a gallon of milk per day.