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Permaculture 04 - Patterns of Permaculture

It is no scientific mystery that the human eye seeks patterns, as an evolutionary trait at the very least. Yet, when we seek to emulate nature there are little in the ways of pattern when it comes to modern agriculture. But, to acknowledge the patterns in nature give us powerful tools to consider and utilize in permaculture design. Why “rebuild the wheel” when it has been provided for us?

Tribal tattoos remind us of the deep and intrinsic connectivity we have with the patterns of nature and our fellow human beings. To see a thing's function, one can only look for the pattern of energy inputs and outputs! It's almost spirituality, if more on a “common” level. Utilize this new insight into spirituality when you begin to divine your permaculture design.

Many things in nature go for the path of least resistance, and why shouldn't they? Working harder is not working smarter. This path can be visually represented in massive scale like the spiral of a galaxy, or in the minuscule scale like the shell of a snail.

Within these lines of pattern are also the boundaries, which are integral to permaculture design. Many things thrive on the boundary, what thrives on the boundary between Air and Earth? What functions at the boundary of Soil and Water? Every boundary has unique potential in its ecological assemblies. Therefore the “living translators” of these boundaries (think trees, fish, plants) become extremely productive places. As those interested in

Permaculture Design, we can foster the productivity of our spaces by allowing these unique niches for rich life. A lot of energy can be gained by paying attention to these points of our site.

Efficiency, as outlined by these patterns, can allow us to make energy inputs flow more freely. We can even build our own spirals, in the event you were to seek an herb spiral. But imagine the creation of a long line, undulating

around your pond so as to maximize its boundary and promote the natural energy exchange between the regions! Branches in a tree? What about branches of water distribution?

To become better Permaculture designers, we must recognize and encourage the natural patterns that exist all around us. When we set aside that “separate-ness” that humans are not nature we begin to learn what nature wants to teach us!


Jimmy Barrett is a Business Services Professional, working from home with a Family of four. He's enjoying the journey of learning about Permaculture and adding its practices to his own home garden. Please note that opinions expressed by Jimmy Barrett may not be shared by Heart 2 Heart Farms, should you have any questions please feel free to email us directly.

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